Tube Rolling with the Line Magnetic 518 IA

I recently took delivery of the fine Line Magnetic 518 IA. This is an excellent integrated except it comes with basic inexpensive tubes. I'm lloking to hear from those who have done any tube rolling with this amp and what combination turned out to be the most musical sounding. Also interested in how many hours it took to break in this amplifier.
tried the Psvane 845 II an the Psvane 845 WE Replica either one will send this amp to new level stuck with the 845 II ,just a matter of preference also replaced stock 12ax7 with the Psvane premium series TII and heard a improvement over the stock 12ax7,,
Just purchased the 518 and only have about 10 hours on it but very impressed with build and sound quality thus far. I went ahead and swapped in NOS Mullard 5AR4 and GE 12ax7s. May swap in NOS GE 6L6GCs after further listening. 
BTW driving Daedalus Argos V2s with the 518 , very easy without pushing volume
I had a Philips NOS 12Ax7 self destruct right in front of me (years ago but clearly I'm still traumatized). Replaced under warranty by with a pair of "preferred" 7025s which were simply OK…meh...Tried a set of Psvane 12ax7-ts and one of those failed also…so I finally bought a matched pair of Russian Gold Lion 12ax7s…matched sections, blah blah,…they're GREAT. 
Went ahead and swapped in NOS GE 6L6s. To to my ears they, along with the NOS GE 12AX7s and NOS Mullard 5AR4 have taken the sound to another level. Did initially find the GE 6L6s very bright and needed about 8-10 hours to settle in.  My humble opinion is that this is an excellent amp and great value. Driving Daedalus Argos V2s. Other equipment , Modwright Elyse DAC, Stello CDT100 transport, Wadia i171 , IPOD Classic. Silnote Digital/ICs, Audio Art Cable PCs