Do all tubes glow

In my CDP the two 6922 tubes glow and the two E83CCS do not glow but are hot, and the unit seems to play fine. Thoughts?
What tubes are you using?
Currently I've got a pair of old Mullard 12AX7 and a pair of Telefunken 6922. Figured I'd let the English and Germans fight it out one more time in my CDP.
Starting with a new Jim McShane set of Gold Lion, have some Baldwin and Nat'l Union to try. I'm new at trying tubes...awesome CDP
No, I run the CD and TT through a Pass XP20. You have the volume control? I've only had the CDP a few days, had the standard Romulus before,,,
Curious rja if the new tubes break in only while playing music, or simply by having the player turned on?