Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers

Hi,  has anyone seen the latest audio advisor? , they have been selling some krell products,  now Constellation, I have always liked and enjoyed business with audio advisor over the last 20 years,  I'm impressed they are getting some good equipment,  what's your thoughts? 
Nothing but good experience with AA for 20 years, though never bought serious equipment from them...
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I don't avoid buying serious gear from them, they just never had what I wanted at the time I wanted it...I live in Michigan and a few friends often go to them directly, all have only good things to say...
Hi, out of curiosity,  what does the Constellation Hercules 2 stereo amplifier retail for? , also,  out of amazement,  the Hercules 2 reminds me of my modded krell 700cx amplifier,  they look a lot the same on the inside,  with the exception that the krell has larger shielded transformers, 2 ×4kva!
I just read in Absolute Sounds that the mono blocks retail for 180k a pair.