Plinius 9100 or successor model (9100SE?)
AYRE AX7 or successor model
with the Staffs the cheaper older models are more than you need with Staffs
any if the SIMAUDIO, AYRE, or PLINIUS allow you the better upgrade path to different speakers when you move up from the Staffs
The SIM has a very good matched DAC that facilitates further synergy
i would start with SIM as a reference point.
PS. Totems are speaker cable finicky . In brief, they perform best with silver coated braid .... Their own Totem Tress or say, Chord Rumour or Odyssey . The Tress are , effectively Chord knockoffs.
AYRE AX7 or successor model
with the Staffs the cheaper older models are more than you need with Staffs
any if the SIMAUDIO, AYRE, or PLINIUS allow you the better upgrade path to different speakers when you move up from the Staffs
The SIM has a very good matched DAC that facilitates further synergy
i would start with SIM as a reference point.
PS. Totems are speaker cable finicky . In brief, they perform best with silver coated braid .... Their own Totem Tress or say, Chord Rumour or Odyssey . The Tress are , effectively Chord knockoffs.