Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.

I have listened to a few speakers over the years that impressed me with their accuracy and presentation of the music, but just did not create an emotional response or connection. I have often wondered what that quality is in some speakers that produce an emotional connection with the listener. This quality has been identified by audiophiles, as "magical", "engaging"  "just right"  "euphonic"  "natural"  "true to life". " "satisfying"  "musical"....  I am sure there are at least 50  other  adjectives that could describe this "quality" of  sound . 

Considering the various aspects  of achieving  good and accurate sound by component synergy, is there a way to explain this so-called magical element that often eludes so many of us??.  I don't think such a feeling is temporal, conditioned by personal moods, or the phases of the moon or sun.  

Like to hear from members who have given some thought to the same issue.    Thanks,  Jim   

BTW, I know the thread is a bit out there, but  I don't think the topic is pointlessly pursuing the genie in the bottle. 

Allen  thanks for the compliment.  The points listed are very relevant to our individual apprehension of sound and  the consistent enjoyment of music
melbguy1 --

Note: The estimate of 200Hz was based on the previous model. That spec has not been published yet for the Mk2. None the less, the subjective balance and objective measured performance of the original S5 suggest that Magico was successful in integrating the upper bass to lower mid frequencies. The new S5 Mk2’s bass drivers use more powerful magnets in an underhung motor system, together with a lighter and much stiffer cone. Thus the drivers should be up to task.

Oh, without having heard the S5 Mk2’s I’m quite sure they managed to integrate the upper bass and lower mids in great fashion - I had no intention to question that. What I like about the bass system of the S5’s, on paper at least, is that it sports a sealed chamber as opposed to the more widely used reflex-loaded designs, plus the added benefit of a large air displacement area here. My own speakers also has the bass driver placed in a sealed chamber, from where it fires into the horn section, presenting a completely different (and to my ears much better) bass respons with actual timbre, speed and integration compared to my former reflex-loaded speakers. I’ve only heard the V2’s from Magico at a hifi show, and while they had interesting qualities I felt that particular demo to be marred by issues in the upper bass area (more of a coincident in this discussion).

Speaking of which (i.e.: the upper bass), my original observation was in relation to that of author W.A.J. from above linked article on the importance of the lower mids (in the region of ~250-500Hz) being reproduced by suitable, large drive units (i.e.: ~15") to instill the proper live (/realistic) imprinting, where it seems the twin 10" drivers of the S5’s falls just outside this frequency spectrum to remain solely in the low to upper bass region - even as Mk2 editions. This is not to flaunt any "15" lower mids drivers are the only thing working"-stance, but rather to stay within the premise put forth by poster fliz via linked article.

I understand the theory of what you’re describing, and yes many hybrid horn speakers i’ve heard have a live presence to them. Mind you, there is a reason Magico don’t use paper cones, or doped paper cones. I can assure you the previous model S5’s have plenty of physical presence and impact. You wont hear a midbass hump as with many other speakers. The NRC said the S5 was the best measuring speaker they ever tested. Magico’s transparency and linearity can take some time to get used to, but once aquainted, is addictive.

I’m quite sure the S5’s are more than bass-capable within their working area, also due to the sealed enclosure design - I wouldn’t question that; it’s how their prowess here is a design choice that likely excludes them from operating much higher into the lower mids, whereas a large diameter unit bass system tuned differently could, conversely, deal with the frequencies of the lower mids, at the expense of LF-strength below some 50Hz. I’d wager the use of a lightweight paper cone and lower loss pleated cloth surround is equally well thought-out here as well, and something the designers are unwilling to stray from for the intended use of the units.

In summary, every speaker has some trade offs. It’s just a matter of whether you’re happy with the strengths vs trade offs of a given loudspeaker & how that loudspeaker synergizes with your system and room according to your tastes and listening preferences.

Indeed. It seems in your case, and from the limited experience I have with the components here used, that you’ve struck a good sonic balance. Do you use the Vitus int. amp solely on Class-A mode?
Bravo for initiating this enlightening and fascinating thread. What a great question and what great responses!
My thoughts on what makes for an emotionally involving speaker have been evolving rapidly since I began the search for a speaker to mate with my 300B SET amp. I think I may have found it, but I'm playing my cards close to my chest until I'm sure - then I'll squawk about it here.  :-)
In all likelihood I'm the youngest member chiming in here, and in my experience I have noticed the opposite effect. I find on equipment with a more organic or natural tone lost energy in transients and vocals which remove my connection to the artist even if in many cases the music is more listenable.

As I feel the 'nostalgia' answer is a cop-out I'll pose a question instead. Can you consider listening to an album mastered to compensate for a common voicing on components without said voicing an accurate rendition?
Just to add some observations.   A friend who used to own sound labs but sold them due to space issues still had his elaborate pass labs gear and elaborate crossovers and tri amp setup but was temporarily using several pairs of fairly old barely mid FI speakers. The sound was amazing and palpable and many others were shocked how good the system sounded.  

regarding TAD, I have the CR1's and have heard them with a number of amps over the years from solid state to tube to hybrid and with various sources.   Any shortcomings I felt they had were in the electronics as they now sound far better with better electronics, although I have now augmented them with a super tweeter and subs.  

I do love the Magico sound and I'm sure they have gotten even better since hearing the q1's at a dealer demo.   I was wowed by them on some unfamiliar audiophile material but after hearing some standard recordings requested and I knew well, they sounded rather flat, and the dealer took them off before the song was done .   Back at my place an hour later the same tracks I asked to hear (bill Evans, rickie lee jones ) now sounded like audiophile recordings!  And my current electronics are a far better match for them now than those years ago.  

I'm not knocking Magico by any stretch, just pointing out that Tad's set up well with the right match gets you somewhat  close to the real thing, which I hear quite often and from up close.   

In my systems current evolution , the recordings are the weak link in the chain.  The gear is capable of being much more accurate and musical than current recordong technology allows.