Denon to Parasound

I’m looking to move on from my denon amps. Was previously considering the new crown drive ores but decided to pass after research. I want the sound of my recently sold technics sa 5760(first amp) back.

Looking at the Parasound a23. Max budget is $1000 msrp. Seems like Parasound would be a natural upgrade. I don’t want an emotiva or outlaw amp. Open to other entry level audio brands in this budget.

Am I going in the right direction? My setup is denon 4520ci->bluejeanscable->revel f12s & revel b1 subwoofer.

Would I notice improvement moving from a 150 watt per channel flagship denon to an audiophile 125 watt per channel separate? The denon was $2,500 msrp. Thoughts? If not, how much do I need to spend to get improved and similar power?

You will notice a huge improvement moving from a 150 bogus wpc AVR to the Parasound A23 that will give you an honest 125 wpc with 45 amps of current to back it up.  Something the Denon does not even dare publish with its small power supply trying to drive 9 channels.  Or are they up to something higher now?

The A23 will smoke the Denon when it comes to driving a pair of speakers period.  

But lowrider makes a good point about an integrated amp.  What are your trying to accomplish?  Improve the sound quality of listening to music as you mentioned your old 2 channel receiver. If so, just adding an A23 won't help as your still held hostage to the "pure direct" preamp section in the AVR that is just an afterthought in terms of quality.  The power amp may drive the speakers but its the preamp that gives the refinement, soundstage, detail, etc.  Something AVR's care less about.

Look into adding a quality 2 channel integrated amp with an HT Bypass feature into your surround sound system and you'll be amazed.


an integrated or component separates will beat (no pun) any AVR, because they have & provide more current.
I was planning on using the 4520ci as a preamp. Bad idea? I assumed being a flagship piece it would be sufficient. In addition to the Parasound a23, also looking at

Thanks for the odyssey link, yogiboy.

More thoughts? So the Denon’s power supply is the culprit for mediocre music playback? And possibly the preamp? Yes I am concerned about 2 channel listening, movies sound great.
I've got both some Parasound gear, and the Denon 4520 in separate systems.  The Denon actually surprised me for music reproduction, and I think it would be fine as a pre.  I think it is the excellent room correction that really allows music to pop.  That said, my speakers are an easy load unlike yours, and an amp would be a good move.

The Parasound house sound is quite good, if a little on the warm side.  I'm sure the A23 will sound similar to the A21 with less power of course.  If I was going to look outside of Parasound, I'd check out NAD(demo models at or the Odyssey stuff.