Russian Tubes or Old "American" Tubes (built where ever)?

Currently I have Aperex ECC88 tubes in a CJ 17 LS pre-amp and a backup set of Russian electro-harmonix 6922EH tubes for the pre-amp. The Aperex tubes are failing. The amps are solid state Mac 601's

What type of tubes (manufacturers/time period) would you guys recommend? Are the Russian tubes any good? Buying legacy tubes from 50 years ago gets expensive. I'm looking for a great price/performance ratio, but I lean toward performance. Do the Russian Tubes compete with the old tubes or should I "bite the bullet"?

I know folks can get passionate about this - I'm not an idiot; I would like to hear some experienced opinions about the relative merit of various tubes for this particular pre-amp. I'll then go check my budget (in secret - I'm married).

Ag insider logo xs@2xnab2
Bought my Mullard NOS 4024s (12AT7s) from, and the gold pin 6201 version (also Mullard NOS) from Upscale Audio, as that's the  only place that had these (that I found anyway). I can recommend both of these vendors as easy to deal with and knowledgeable with well designed websites (unlike the confusing sites of some other tube vendors).
Brent Jesse is dealer who has a very good page with a description of the sonics of each brand plus tube substitutes.