Granny ring, Jetrexpro, all

Are any of you building power cords with the Western Electric WE16ga? I see that a bunch of fellas on the Jeff Day Blog are making them with very good success. Day has also made some and it seems he may install on his
Mac MC30s. How about it? Any updates? Best, Rob
You're welcome. Glad to share my observations. One more thing I am noticing about the WE16g shielded interconnects is that the sound seems more pure, less noise, Quieter background. I guess all of this makes sense since the shield must make this happen. I am thinking that which version of this interconnect one would prefer, shielded vs unshielded would be system and ear dependent. 
My findings are the very same as yours Jet. Shielded with Canare connectors is best. 
Bill, thanks for your tip, I ordered a while ago the same stuff through PartsConnexion as the Neotech were also discounted there as I stocked up on my favorite Furutech F11 during PC annual 25% end of year discount. I will also have the cheap SonicCraft rhodium and red copper plugs to compare.

Just used the downtime during these days to replace my HT surround and back speaker cables with the WE14ga and they made a positive difference compared to the Audioquest FLX14/4 in-wall speaker cables, even w/o burn in. The most difficult part was not threading the new wire but to twist them (reducing inductance, less prone to EMI); it is super easy for a 10ft length -using the drill- but requires a different approach doing a 60ft stretch.

As for interconnects, I haven’t heard any decent one that is not shielded. I guess those at Jeff Day’s forum tend to cling nostalgically to the "vintage" sound and gear. Nothing wrong as such, some vintage gear still sound great. I remembered when I built my first tube amp some forty years ago, I wasn’t sure if it included a tiny radio that remained invisible in the schematics...

Hi all. I now have 100% WE 10 ga wire power cords throughout my system and just love them. I simply used a 10 gauge run for ground, hot, and neutral. No shielding of any kind and a simple twisting of the three wires. Highly recommended. I also use this same gauge for speaker wire which I liked even more than the outstanding 16ga. 
Hi Grannyring,
thanks for the update. I'm going to do same, see how it does in my system. I really like the WE10ga as power cord. Also thanks for the Canare suggestion. Early on Yazaki-san also recommend the Canare. Recently my brother got to compare the WE16ga against his favorite speaker cables (will remain nameless, but very expensive) with his Leben/Devore 0/96/Harbeth SHL5s and was blown away by the WE/Belden combo (me too!). The Bro' is making the switch. Best, Rob