New format, dislike.....

Your thoughts?
I begin to get used to it,but honestly if it went back to the original format I wouldn't mind either.
At first I was quite negative about the forum changes, but as time goes by the problems are being corrected and I am getting more comfortable with it.  I am perhaps most impressed by the quick responses to complaints and questions.  Somebody is actually listening!
sometimes i like some comments of people and I would like to mark them like in youtube:)
in terms of clean performance and least number of production bugs the new system supersedes the old by zillion miles far. the old system had lots of unhandled login, listing and profile bugs. 
the only bug i noticed is member ebm does not use exclamations anymore for some reason:-)
I like the new format.  The old one was so tube-like in terms of age and technology but not smoothness . . . :)