Zu audio advice

I have been looking at their speakers lately and was wondering what people thought . I would like to demo these if there is anyone in the Tacoma Washington area willing to share it would be appreciated 
I have a set of Zu DruidVs, and Undertone subs. I live in Southern Oregon, not exactly close to you, but you're welcome to listen to them if you're ever down this way. IMHO, they are wonderful speakers. Zu also makes excellent and affordable cables. Good luck. 
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I have the same setup as Early, Druid V and Undertone sub and the pairing is really nice! I will be putting them up on Audiogon soon, if anybody is interested let me know.
 I am most likely upgrading to Horning Eufrodite Ellipse which are better but are much more money.

well I'm too far away for an audition in brooklyn but I can offer some perspective on my Zu Soul Supremes- running off almarro 215a SET and also I have tried some ss amps too-
Some people have mentioned setup is difficult- I think the challenge is that these speakers are very present and so it can take some ear break in to appreciate what is going on, but sometimes people start moving the speakers right away to get them to sound like they think they "should" sound but that isn't always best for what they actually sound like. They are different. My appreciation of them has changed over the year I've had them. I think for tweaky people they might not be good, but if you like listening more than tweaking then they are great.
Definitely has magic with low power tubes. But also can sound great at high volume with lots of watts. I'd like to get the undertone also, I have a cheaper sub currently in the system. 

synthfreek - I suggest that you call Zu anyway. You would not be wasting their time. Just be honest that you are looking to buy pre-owned. Zu often has pre-owned speakers available - ones taken in trade during an upgrade.