Dan D'Agostino Is Making 'Big Iron' Again - 800 wpc Monoblocks

Dan D'Agostino, formerly of Krell, is now making big monoblocks again.  
His new amp will be 800 wpc into 8 ohms, doubling all the way down to 2 ohms at 3200 wpc.
It will weigh 150 lbs.  No word yet on what it will cost.  It is due to come out 1st quarter of this year.

I’m more of a "first watt" tube amp tone freak and have no need for gigawatt amps (lucky me), but I do understand the Large Expensive Amp deal. To me D’Agostino’s stuff is so beautiful looking I’d be tempted to get one of them things…if I didn’t have to eat or buy cars and housing. Dan’s current "steampunk" designs are simply killer, and why most other SS amp designers go for Bauhaus boring is a mystery. There are exceptions, but really…Constellation? They look like food processors with less personality…can people even find a Hegel without its light on? You go Dan!
Dan was not so nice when he came out with his own speakers after B & W and others were using his amps. Those companies dropped him like a sack of potatoes and Dan soon left his company. You got to learn not to be too greedy.
"Bauhaus Boring" is a term that is part of the design world’s descriptive term lexicon treasured by architecture critics world wide although just made up by myself.