Need help with ProAc Response OneSC

Anyone has any comments about ProAc Response OneSC? I am going to purchase one soon, but have not had a chance to compare with other speakers in the price range, ie. Totem model one sig. Anyone has done any comparisons with other speakers? I like speakers with good image/soundstage and listen to variety of music. I am going to drive them with a (budget) integrated amplifier, again, I need some help. Which reasonable priced amp would be able to drive the Response One? Thanks.
there's an alchemist kraken integrated f/s on audiogon - would be a perfect match w/the proac 1sc's. my brother-in-law uses the kraken separates to drive his proac 2.5's - *great* sound...
I haven't heard the Response 1sc but have given the Response 2s a good audition in my system and I own the ProAc Studio 150's. I'd highly recommend the McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe I have as a good match at a used price of less than $1,000.
Hi Topp,
I know It´s a very old thread, but may be you or other users are still interested in this experience.I actually have a pair of Proac´s 1SC.They sound to my ears with clarity, excellent imaging and accuracy.They are very engaging and you can really enjoy and relax  while listening.At the beginnig I was using them with a solid state amp(ARC D200) and an ARC Ls2bMk2 preamp.Mids and hights were ok ,but there weren´t practically any bass frequencies.I called the seller and he remembered me what he had told before selling them......¨ Proacs have to be used with tubes amps.¨Put a good tube amp and you will see...¨So I have the occasion to test a Jadis Orchestra  integrated tube amp,and Oh lala!!!All the bass section appeard.Then I had to make another adjustments with inteconnects cables.I ´m using now Van Den Hul ¨The first¨ cables and they match very well with amp and speakers.You can hear deepness, all instruments detailed and an airy sound.So my suggestion is to buy a good tube integrated amp with Proac 1sc.In some stereophile review I red that Cary 300 SEI amp match as well.Another tube amp could be VTL IT-85 which I heard when I purchased these speakers.
I hope this helps!
