Kanye West - Grammy comment, re Beck

Kanye West on-camera last nite: 'Beck needs to respect artistry.' Then a long rant about...ah just watch it.

What would Kanye say about Beethoven? Or Dylan? or Matisse?

Having fun with this as Twitter is aflame already with it. But the more I think about it, the more it gnaws on me. He was referring to Beck winning Album of the Year (instead of Beyonce). I could go on a long rant myself about his ego, general creepiness, but nothing I could add. But his comments are heard by millions of music fans...

Anyhoo, anyone else see those comments? Reactions?
oblgny, ha-ha, never bought an issue in my life, I wouldn't know.  But I read stuff on the internet.  If anyone has interest in sports and/or music (and I like both) it's hard to escape the Kardashians.  But I've never seen their show.  Not sure why they have one.
I pretty much don’t care what Kanye West does, thinks or says.
But the media sure wants us to know these things.
PS: Goes for his wife as well.
Jeepers,  tostadosunidos,  you think moi subscribed to that rag???

I still subscribe to The New Yorker and The Atlantic,  my audio specific reading reading usually occurs when I'm flying,  bought at the terminal magazine shops.  I actually really don't know a mosfet from a misfit,  but I know what I like?

Happy New Year,  folks!
Let me clarify.
The consensus is, Kanye is a narcissistic, talentless, tactless, low-life idiot?
That sounds about right