Ayon's "Scorpio" tube imtegrated amp vs PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube integrated??.

I have considered trying a tube integrated amp. The Prima Luna Prologue Premium has received numerous positive testimonials regarding its sound quality and is considered a bargain at $2399.  Ayon’s new "Scorpian" tube integrated  is more expensive at $4200,  supposedly offers excellent sound quality, but has not gathered many press reviews. .

 Is  anyone familiar with these products??  Are they  reliable over the long haul?? and if so, can either amp  effectively drive any speaker load, including Golden Ear Technology model 7 or the larger model 5.  Or have any problems driving Magneplanar .7 speaker, or any of the Martin Logan speakers.  Thank you  


Al,,  Thank you again for the technical info and advice..... Jim.

Also, Thanks to those other members who own Prima Luna  integrated amp for their testimonials. 

To those in this thread who have endorsed Prima Luna's  Prologue Premier, or the Dialogue Premier.  I would like to know the following: 

 Have you encountered RF interference or picking up AM/FM broadcasting??

Will an  outboard phono box to accommodate a lower priced turntable and cartridge  encounter hum,. feedback. etc. because of the tube amp??  Or a phono box like the  Bellari which also has a headphone outlet??

Is the Prima Luna noted for a low noise floor?? 

Can the Prima Luna amp that is 35 RMS to 40 RMS provide bass slam, and/or deep , tight bass??     Thank you    

I can answer a few of your questions, Jim.  I have a Dialogue One, which falls in the middle.  I have no problems with RF interference.  I have an outboard Jolida JD9 Phono Pre, and it works great!  I have no hum or feedback issues.  The Jolida has tubes too, as do some of the Bellaria's. My PL has a very low noise floor.  You can turn it to full volume and not hear it at all.  I am driving B&W 803N speakers, and the bass is very strong.  But, I wouldn't call it "deep bass".  Partly, that's the speakers, which are good to 40hz.  I am strongly considering stepping up the ladder to the Premium HP, just for the tighter bass and more range.  But, that's my preference, not really needed.  It has plenty of bass for the majority of listeners.  
 Thank you for reply and comments. Unfortunately, I forgot this thread because I changed the 2 standard output tubes in Rogue Sphinx integrated to Mullards 4003 CV on the advice of another member.  They did make a difference  in overall clarity; however, at times. the bass seems less controlled and solid.  In addition, the sound is somewhat forward compared to standard tubed Rogue. At times, and from session to session, the sound quality is not consistent.  However, there can be a ton of other factors causing this.
Keep in mind that  the Scorpio will be upgraded in a couple months ....and your integrated dumps in value.Besides I own Primaluna in a second system and if your buying Chinese ..Primaluna