How important is the digital cable between the player and your clock ?

I understand the importance of cables in a system.....but generally speaking, is the cable between a cd / scad player and an external clock an important link ? I will assume the answer is yes.....but how and why ? I would like to hear from enthusiasts who own especially own Esoteric gear with clocks. I am looking to upgrade this cable and was questioning on what sonic impact this cable would have the overall sound. Thank you in advance.       
garebear there is nobody out there using a digital cable between their player and clock ???? Wow .....I must have missed something here in audio world ???
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In short, yes, it's very important to get a good 75-ohm certified cable on the link between a player or transport and (if applicable) DAC and your clock.  That stated, you don't have to break the bank to do so but spending a bit more is definitely justified based upon what I've heard as I've tried these cables from several manufacturers.  I'm happy to talk in more detail offline however suffice it to say that when I went into the upper-end 75-ohm cable realm, I was rewarded with a bit more accurate timing/pacing, frequency rendering and sound-staging.