Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi Steven,  the 0.3 is a new model cable introduced at the same time the revamped model line up occurred , how long have you had the 0.3 in your system? , do you have a loom of the 0.3?
Have had the 0.3 for a few months now. To be honest I didn’t like a full loom of Tara interconnects, I found the sound a bit lean and lacking emotion. Using Audiomica Consequence series cables throughout and a new power cord from Bulgaria from S.I.N. Audio that uses the new Furutech NCF (Nano Crustal Formulation) connectors. Simple the best I’ve had or heard.

(Dealer disclaimer)
Hi Steven,  I'm using a full loom of taralabs cable's,  the cobalt power cord with oyaida termination's,  the zero gold balanced,  the Omega gold speaker cable's,  very extended frequency response in both directions,  big deep bass, and very nice 3 dimensional engaging musical sound,  with realism. 
Steven, btw, how much better is the ncf furutech gtx-rhodium wpo’s?, wall-power-outlet’s. , Chris vanhause emailed me about this new product back at the beginning of December 12-9-15.
I wouldn't upgrade my own Furutech GTX outlets, it's not that big a deal (and you know what they cost me!)  but if you ever get a new ac cord then it's definitely worth it to use these new connectors.