Dear friends: I questioned my self several times about with no sure answer in this " easy " question.

A priori almost all of us think we are and through the Agon threads ( and in other forums. ) we try to show " we are ". We try to share our experiences and " best " learning and at the same time through those thread  discussion we try to learn. Well not all, many of us posted/post to be the winner: the one with the right  and only explanations.

Through my audio life I learned that exist no single audiophile ( included proffesionals reviewers/"gurus". ) whom write the right audio " bible ", many of us have higher knowledge level on some audio topics and " almost "  all ignorants with other topics it does not matters what that " guru " can think.

IMHO the high-end audio experience is a day by day endless learning and we can learn not only from those " gurus " but from the " rookies " too.

Now, the main subject in the thread is to find out with certainty what means: T E A   level  and to start somewhere first I would like ,  along all of you,  try to find out the definition of an Audiophile.

So, the thread is totally open for all of us come to help on this T  E  A   quest.

So, for you: what's and AUDIOPHILE ?  main characteristics for ?

W E L C O M E D  !!!  your effort is appreciated. Btw, the thread is NOT and evaluation of each one of us but looking for answers and a learning exercise for all.

Regards and enjoy the music,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear wultke: """  The only people that think I am an expert audiophile also think I am nuts. """

Take in count that in this  T E A  quest we are trying to find out the  T E A  characteristics and not talking of a specific person/gentleman.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear oblgny: """  those who know don't tell,  this who tell don't know..."""

Well what we want it is to find out ( not the person but what defines it. ) if exist those """ who know at T E A  level  """

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear paladin:  """  I think the only TEA's are people that you believe are the experts """

I agree. Now, what define a T E A   ? and this is our quest a quest where almost all can agree with.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear onhwy61:  """  That would mainly be designers, manufacturers, retailers, but also a few reviewers. """

Yes, every one can qualify for T E A  after we define, step by step , that qualification.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Definition of an expert: someone who used to be a drip under pressure.

Another definition of an expert: someone in a suit fifty miles from home.