Latest Absolute Sound

I just got it yesterday and they are reviewing amps from 12k to 97k. I sat back and thought who is really buying this stuff. I know the average audiophile Isn't and the one's that actual have the money are always looking for deals via Audiogon. Is this just audio porn for the readers or are people actually buying this stuff.
OK I'm defended Taters in his hip hop thread but now I see his is rabel rousing (politely though)
First I think some of the recent TAS issues have been fantastic.   All gear I wanted to read about or have heard.    I truly enjoy reading (and hearing) cost no object designs.  It's fun to learn about all tiny little things designers attempt to eek out better performance, but I also enjoy leaning about. Electronics and physics.  I'm also a fan of the TV show How it's made.  
The cutting edge designs often find their way into "affordable" products and knowing about the bleeding edge helps one to decide which products in their price range they are Interested in.    Can't afford TAD speakers?  Knowing about them leads you to other Andrew Jones designs that are affordable to the masses.    
Regarding the RH review of the Neolith's, I'm sure they sounded excellent in his system/room even though I thought they sounded quite poor the audio show in Westchester NY recently.
Audio design(with computer  modeling) has evolved so much that most of the products are now quite good and much less colored than in the past.   The best Solid state and tube now often  sound much more similar, as an example.    That's why there are so few poor reviews.   With all the great gear for sale at every price point, why would a reviewer choose an under performer to write about.  
Off topic but venting anywAy... A few nights ago I was with a woman (just a friend) out for an evening in my used 2010 911 targa 4S. (Only true sports car with 4 seats and a hatchback I know of) though she’s been in the in car sevral times before, I kept hearing from her the whole night over and over how uncomfortable she felt in a flashy car (it’s black and not at all flashy in my opinion) and out of place it was driving around some night spots in Brooklyn and that she thought everyone would be Looking at us. She also hated the feeling of even mild acceleration, though I was driving quite tamely (for me).

I told her next time she’s taking the train or staying home.

Although I laugh at Bose I think the car’s system sounds decent. I would love to hear (and have the money) for a new one with the Burmeister.

Either she is not happy that she is not in a relationship with you(using reverse psychology to rationalise) or she can't appreciate the finer things in life like your car and most likely the audio too.......
TAS is an empty shell of its former incarnation.  If you go by reviews you will be in for a long and winding dead end road.  You may get lucky...but mostly you will end up disillusioned!