Dedicated Line Advise

I currently have a 20 amp dedicated line run to my small HiFi rig; amp, preamp, CDP, TT, power conditioning. I wish to add a second line using the same electrician who has worked on my house. It looks like he used 12 gauge Romex last time.

What are the key facts that I should know in case he is not familiar with doing wiring for audio systems?
I'm talking about the installation at the breaker box, e.g., keeping proper phase and preventing a ground-loop between the 2 circuits.
Definitely run both lines on the same phase/leg otherwise you will most surely get hum form your system.  If you don't have enough room on one side, you can just move breaker's around.    One of the best "upgrades" i did for my system was completely reconfiguring the electrical panel, tightening up all the connections etc.  You can see a more detailed description on my systems page here on AG.

Good Listening

Great info, many thanks. There is adaquate room on the right side of the box.
Is this the best way to proceed...
move line 1 to right side, add line 2 to right side (same phase). This would move the audio AC lines away from the furnace breaker on the left.
Now there would also be room for additional lines.

Your thoughts?

Absolutely stay with the same phase for all audio outlets. Also- don’t run any of your 220V stuff whilst you’re listening. They are connected to both phases.  Their current draw and the noise the motors generate will more than negate any benefits.
I just noticed that the refrigerator is on the right, furnace on left. Should I keep line 1 in place on left and add line 2 to right side, same phase?
How important is it to have all lines on same side?

My noise floor is currently very low with Blue Circle PC.