Lowrider - if your panel is like mine (i.e. a two bank North American panel ) - the adjacent switches in each "bank" of switches (i.e. if you have multiple banks) alternate between the two phases - e.g.
Switch # Phase Switch # Phase
1 A 15 B
2 B 16 A
3 A 17 B
4 B 18 A
5 A 19 B
For your two phase devices you will see a "linked switch PAIR" which takes two adjacent spots - one switch of the pair is connected to phase A and the other connected to phase B (or vice-versa)
You need to make sure the electrician knows you require both lines on the same phase.
He/she should understand how to connect to the same phase
FYI - It only takes one two phase device to "pollute" both phases - so your goose is cooked - along with most other North American homes.
The only real protection against noise introduced by two phase devices is to get
1. an Equitech transformer $$$.
2. a power re-generator
I would not be too worried - unless the power in your area is prone to brown outs or surges, the noise from the furnace switch dissipates really quickly down the power-bus
Which switch bank is immaterial, but the farther away from the two-phase device switches the better
This link shows you a typical two-phase panel layout