Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced

Hello everyone,

When I think of Power Amps (or integrated amps) that play / sound way beyond their price-point and can be non-household names, I think of companies like:

  1. Belles (Power Modules)
  2. McCormack
  3. Coda

Can you guys please suggest other Power Amps / Companies that are also somewhat unknown or of great value?

Your suggestions would really help me and others.  Thanks!


Wells Audio Majestic 150 wpc integrated @$3499 . An incredible sounding amplifier.
Herron Audio M1.  Outstanding amp personally tested by Keith Herron.  Not cold transistor sound, not artificially colored by tube warmth.  Just clean, detailed, dynamic and musical.  I own 6 Herron Audio amps, but 4 of them are too old to update to M1.  Even the old ones are outstanding.

i hope anyone who contributes in this thread can try to keep in context. people with deep pockets have a different start point when their "value products" are actually our holy grail.

try comparing dartzeel amp with FM acoustics..

I really like the sound of the croft integrated from the uk. Has the natural sound of my red wine signature 15 which unfortunately isn't made any more. Croft doesn't have lots of watts but the quality of the sound is hard to beat in the price range. A very special little amp.