Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
I heard some taralabs grandmaster cable's last year,  and to say the least,  I was smitten,  for those of you with Uber dacs and transports, I whole heartily would like some feedback on this newly developed digital cable from taralabs,  Making Sense of …. Grandmaster Evolution Digital
The TARA Labs Grandmaster Evolution Digital Interconnect uses a pair of RSC® Gen 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductors.
In the AES/EBU format, the conductors are critically spaced to ensure an exacting 110 Ohm characteristic impedance; this  is the AES/EBU format used with XLR connectors.
The RSC Gen 3 conductors are smaller than the Gen 2 version, and this provides a more extended bandwidth for the digital signal.
The TARA Labs Grandmaster Evolution Interconnect uses a system of woven filaments constructed from small Teflon tubes, to expand and displace the shield further away from the signal carrying conductors.
In this way, the Grandmaster Evolution Digital Interconnect is able to reduce digital distortion, called ‘jitter’.
Jitter explains why Digital cables sound different from on to another.
The most significant reason for the different sound in digital recording and playback systems is the phenomenon of ‘errors’.
The most widely known error is called ‘jitter’. Jitter can be thought of as a timing error or a distortion of the digital bit-stream within the digital send and receive components and the digital interconnect cable.
The timing errors (digital jitter) can be reduced by using better quality cable with superior shielding to reject interference within the cable.
Audiolabyrinth, email me information about the new tara 0.3 tell me how they sound.
I started with The 2 then went to The One then the 0.8 and ended with the 0.3 interconnects. As I went up in the line the clarity and speed and most important the reality and timing and space of everything just increased and the biggest difference was going from the 0.8 to the 0.3.
Also IMO too many Tara cables in a system can lean things out, again IMHO so I like to mix and match.
And yes I have the "new" 0.3. Don't know anything about older versions or even when the "new" 0.3 started shipping but my own were bought last Q 2015.

(Dealer disclaimer)
Agree with sk, spot on!
There are many places that sell these cables at considerable discounts, buyer beware.
My experience was polar opposite of what's said here,  I have a complete loom of all matching Zero Gold series,  including the power cable,  the original cobalt with oyaida termination's, I have the best bass I've ever experienced, deep detailed, transient speed, with slam, impact,  most of all,  realism., I'm saying,  you get  the complete loom of the balanced 0.3, and the new cobalt Reference a/c power cable's,  btw,  I've heard,  you will never have a lean sound,  on any system.