Magnus MA-200

I recently stumbled upon this amp and finding real world review information slim to none. I found a review on its bigger brother (MA-260) and realize both of these amps are discontinued. Any insights, information, experiences etc woul dbe appreciated!
I have the Magnus MA-300, and it is an outstanding amp that replaced a Burmester 911 MK3 and a Hegel H4SE. I am upgrading my cap board to the new MA-500 board. Canary/ Magnus Audio does not advertise, hence very few reviews. However, there will be a very good review from Dagogo very soon. I can't recommend Magnus more highly. I am a customer not a dealer.
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steakster, what's the rest of your system? how hot does this puppy run?
have any problems using spades on the binding posts?
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i would be using it with a dehavilland ultraverve 3 preamp and usher dancer mini 2 dmd speakers.