Speaker recommendations for Jolida 302b

I have a Jolida 302b tube amp and a modest subwoofer in a medium size room and am looking to upgrade speakers. Any Jolida 302b owners out there with the following speakers?

Vandersteen 1c
Quad 21l
Spendor s 3/5

I'm hoping to pair the Jolida with one that provides the most three-dimensional sound and air around instruments. I listen mostly to small ensemble jazz.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Look at the Totem line.
I have the Arro with a sub powered by the 502.
It does need the sub.
However the Rainmaker does quite well powered by a Yaqin 100b.
Your room will dictate which would work better for you.
A layout or pics with dimensions might help others make some suggestions.

People simply forget that that the Vandy 1C exists, but having owned a pair of 1Bs for years I can imagine how good these things are.  Might not need a sub with them, and the design provides a mini monitor-esque airy tone with deep transmission line bass. Great speakers.
veroman, you tell it like it is ! The Kestral 2 is a magnificent speaker with no real flaws and  every necessary virtue , have to go a long way to do better !