The one piece of gear you will never sell

So much gear comes and goes, but do you have any keepers for life? 

For me, I'll never part with my Zerostat, LP12, and MR78 tuner. I think. 

While there are other speakers I would like to own (raidho, soundlab, and Magico) I don't think I could ever sell my TAD CR1's. They are small enough that perhaps taken off stands could end up as a bedroom system or near field monitor for a rather large computer system.   Even before I augmented them with a 'stat tweeter on top and subs,. I've heard them turn standard tracks that sounded poor on a system that was stellar with audiophile cuts - into audiophile sounding tracks with great inner detail and musical realism.  As the ancillary gear gets better so do the TAd's.   I've has musicians over to hear their own music and were amazed at the realism and agreed they could mix their music on them, even at low volumes.   

They are not the last word on imaging or depth, perhaps not the best choice for large orchestral works, but as someone who hears live acoustic music from up close often, they seem to come closest to the live experience for me and present music as a hologram, often even with poor recordings, and even recently with some tracks recorded on an iPad!
One should never get hung up on any one piece of gear, IMO. Having said that I could never sell my amplifier, no wait my turntable, stop! Its my speakers, or my phono stage...aaahhhh. Terrible question!

Matt M
I bought a NAD 3020A when it first came to market and was receiving great reviews. I don't think I will ever part with it.
Thinking my Simaudio W5 power amp will be with me for many years to come. It really doesn't add any flavour, just lets whatever's behind it come through in a large way.
It's not that it's great, but I've got a 40-year-old Stanton gyropoise turntable in my studio system.  I seldom use it and it has a fairly fresh stylus (you cannot replace the cartridge in it!) so it's probably going to remain here as long as I do.  FWIW I have another, better TT in my main system.