Center and Mains

I "feel " the need to apply more power to my front speakers. One because, I'm not using half of their capabilities (wattage) plus I'm hoping the added power will clean up / reveal those little hidden jewels within a recording / sound track. 
My question is can I add power and find those nuggets or should I forget the power and find the right processor?
front mains: Def-Tech 7000 Sc1000 watts
Center McIntosh XCS200 600 watts
Processor: Denon 4308CI
Amp: 7 Channel MC8207  
Another motivation, (putting it all out there) I have a 12.3 channel speakers setup in place ready to go, but without the amp channels or processor to push it all  - it would allow me to use the MC8207 to power all the surrounds nicely.
Many AVRs have the ability to direct extra unused channels to the front L/R speakers for bi-amping. I do this with my Yamaha to ease the load on the amp.
You have a 7 channel amp, try bi-amping your mains and see if it helps.  Personally, I think you will see the most improvement in clarity by matching your front three speakers.  I'm not knocking mac or def tech, they all sound better by matching all 3 fronts.
Don't bi-amp mixing the Denon and Mac.  I would try using the Mac just to power your front 3 speakers.