rwwear, I almost giggled when I read your statement that you might prefer the TT101 to the TT801, because the former is "more easily serviced". Indeed, if there is a more complex and difficult to service DD mechanism in the world than that of the TT101, I would say stay away from it. As to your contention that the vacuum was an option with the TT801, can you document that? Or do you mean to say that a TT801 with no vacuum hold-down is a TT101, which is what I have believed before this specific discussion?
I did have some heartening news today. I sent a TT101-specific Integrated Circuit chip to a fellow enthusiast in Germany for repair of his own TT101, and he informed me that my chip worked to salvage his unit. He is very pleased, and so am I, as the owner of a TT101 that currently is only good for a boat anchor. Where there's life, there's hope (realizing that this is hardly a matter of life and death).
I did have some heartening news today. I sent a TT101-specific Integrated Circuit chip to a fellow enthusiast in Germany for repair of his own TT101, and he informed me that my chip worked to salvage his unit. He is very pleased, and so am I, as the owner of a TT101 that currently is only good for a boat anchor. Where there's life, there's hope (realizing that this is hardly a matter of life and death).