Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Audiolabyrinth - After a very long period of stability, I've been in transition for about a year.

January 2015
  • Ayon CD2S digital source
  • Audiomat Solfege Reference integrated Class A Amplifier
  • Silverline Sonatina speakers (heavily modified)
  • Ocellia Silver Reference IC's and Power cord
  • Purist Audio Limited Edition power cord
  • Purist Audio Corvus speaker cable
April 2015
  • Replaced Audiomat with Audio Research VT100MKIII
  • Replaced Ocellia IC's with Purist Proteus Provectus XLR's
June 2015
  • Replaced VT100 with Pass Labs XA 30.8
  • Replaced Purist LE and Ocellia Cords with AudioMica Consequence PC's
August 2015
  • Replaced Ayon CD2S with Ayon CD3SX
January 2016
  • Replacing Pass XA30.8 with Merrill Audio Veritas Monoblocks (on order)
  • Will be replacing one of the Audiomica's with pair of Merrill's Waveform Fidelity PC's
It's been a busy year...

Hi redhouse,  very nice system you have,  I use to own the Ayon cd2s player myself,  I'm in some transition with my system,  I'm continuing modifying my krell 700cx amplifier,  I have upgraded transistors and capacitors, tweaked power supply, now,  getting  ready to sort out some synergistic black fuses for the amplifier,  4 expensive fuses,  the performance return will be many times the  $130.00 a piece for the fuses,  these go excellent with taralab's cable's,  I already have furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's, but I'm going to upgrade to ncf rhodium outlet's,  I will be buying those from Steven, I hope he can review the differences of sound between the two models of furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's before I pull the trigger on them,  the outlet's I have sound very good,  I trust Steven's impressions of what he may say,  also,  likely going to upgrademy digital and speaker's,  cheers 
Keith the Furutech GTX NCF receptacles have shipped to me, I'll be installing them right next to the GTX-R for comparison but will take a while to break-in. Will report back my thoughts.