North Carolina Audio Club

Let's start a NC Audio Club. Any comments? Any suggestions about how to promote our interest and perhaps hear other folks systems, or benefit from their experiences?
Contacting buyers and sellers can be done only through the listing, but I'll bet they took the email option away for everything else so that back door trades don't take place without paying. As well as all the other quirks with passwords and such. What used to be one of my favorite audio sites is now at the bottom of the list. Anyways, you are correct the sense of community is long gone.
I would like to attend and organize a meeting but the powers that be keep "unapproving" any attempts to communicate.

If you look at "Post your response", this is what Audiogone states...

Club members: feel free to post news or more info about your club.

New visitors: If you are interested in joining a local club, post your location only. Interested members will be able to contact you through your post. Do not post your phone number or address in this public area.

From what I have gathered, unless we already know each other? There is no way any audio club can grow. I have offered other avenues to organize and yet again, the moderators have unapproved the post.

This is where AudiogoN has gone off the tracks. It makes complete sense to advise people to not post personal information but they have precluded us from contacting one another privately. There are other audio forums without these silly restrictions where we can organize these events.