Toslink/optical cable recommendations

I'm looking to use a toslink/optical cable between my Wyred 4 Sound DAC & Denon TU-1800DAB...

Thanks ghosthouse but I’m in the UK & on it states they can’t ship to the UK.
Can someone buy one for me & ship it please? I of course will forward the funds via PayPal.
hey infection... i'll be happy to help out.

since i've purchased the silflex as well, would you mind if i tried the cable on my system before I ship it out to see if it's any different from the $80 cable? if it isn't i'd just return the silflex and get a glass cable myself...
Al, I bought two of these cables many years ago and still use them today.  I've never tried a plastic Toslink but I suspect it would work exactly the same, especially with my jitter supressing DAC. Yes, decisions are often based on anecdotal evidence.  There is a little of black magic in this hobby and placebo effect - strongly supported by the law of proportionality (For $10k amp you need at least $100 wall outlet).  I have lost common sense long time ago.
Kijanki, agreed on all counts, aside from the last sentence :-)

I would add, with respect to the mention of "a little of black magic in this hobby and placebo effect," that there are probably also many cases in which effects are correctly perceived but are not attributed to the correct variable.  With the correct variable often being unrecognized due to some combination of inadequately thorough methodology in the evaluation, and/or technical misconception.  That said, though, as I'm sure you'll agree a substantial body of anecdotal evidence, taken with a modest quantity of grains of salt, can often provide significant value.

Best regards,
-- Al
I ve been using glass fiber Lifatec for about 5 years as well as german JIB glass , and sys concept plastic from Canada... They are all quality cables, as I ve compared them to the Cardas clear , Goldmund Lineal, and Ensemble coaxial cables in my very revealing system... Of course each cable is system dependent and it takes some time to tell the differences....