
I just purchased some vintage Pioneer equipment;  Spec 1 Pre-amp, Spec 2 amp, TX 9500 tuner,
SG-9500 equalizer and RG1 Dynamic Processor. Could someone please tell me how to connect all
of this together, mainly how to connect the equalizer and Dynamic Processor into the system.\\

You can connect the Equalizer inputs to the Pre-amp outputs. You the connect the Equalizer out puts to the Amp inputs.

The Dynamic Processor is something I would put in the Tape loop. You would connect its inputs to the Tape out and its outputs to the tape in. When you want to use it you would then use the tape monitor switch to get in into the circuit. If that doesn’t work for you you could daisy chain it between the Equalizer and the Amp.

Hope that works for you.
You could also run each device through the (2) separate tape monitor circuits of the Spec 1 preamp. That would allow you to turn their effects on and off in the system to see how they sound.
Don't daisy chain anything. Output of preamp directly to input of amp. Connect the RG1 and SG-9500 to the 2 tape loops on the preamp, out(RG1 or 9500) to play(preamp) and in(RG1 or 9500) to rec(preamp). There are additional tape loops on the RG1 and 9500 if you need them for a tape deck. Tuner to tuner inputs on preamp.

what is the advantage of connecting to the tape loops instead of daisy chaining?