Gene Simmons says the rock business is dead

I saw an interview last week on Axis T.V. The interviewer was Dan Rather and he was talking to Gene Simmons of Kiss. Gene said the "Rock business is in the coffin and the nails are in"

Do you think the rock business is dead? Or is Gene just being his dramatic self?
We lost David Bowie and Glen Frey but Yoko and Gene Simmons are still alive. 
You are right oblgny. Must have been the 22" of snow that kept me caged and edgy.

Only 22 inches?  Jeepers!  I got well over 24" - after shoveling/plowing/showering I played a boatload of Professor Longhair and Taj Mahal!

By  the way I had no issue with your comment - 

Seeing/hearing Gene Simmons off of any medium is the reason why we have channel!