Advice for a new Oracle Delphi Owner

Calling all Oracle Delphi owners, I recently bought a nice condition MK III and have a couple of questions for existing or previous owners of this fine turntable.

My questions are.

1) Do you always switch off the platter each time you change the record over or try to unclamp, flip over, re clamp whilst the platter is spinning. If the answer is yes I assume the motor is robust enough for the constant switching on and off?

2) Do you ever play with an alternative platter mat without the clamp. If so what brand.

I really like this turntable and it sounds excellent with no issues evident at the moment. My only thoughts are that it is a little more time consuming to use due to the constant power off, unclamp, place record, reclamp, power on and play routine for every side of play. 

Look forward to any input.

1.  I always turn my MKIV on and off to change a record.

2. My MKIV has a custom sized Boston Audio Mat which I still use the clamp on.  I've tried almost every mat out there on my Delphi and found I really like the Boston Audio, other than it does seem to create a little static.
I haven't had a Delphi III for years. But when I did, yes, I turned the platter off each time I changed a record. I always used the supplied Oracle "Groove Isolator" mat with the clamp and spacer-washer. When I traded up, I sold it to a friend who still uses it along with the Fidelity Research FR-64 pickup arm he also bought from me.
Just try and change a record with the platter spinning and the clamp screwed down.  The answer will soon become very apparent.