It is a wonderful happening when you get to your state of satisfaction with an audio system. I'm there with my second/office system. After changing out the stock capacitors for Arizona Green/NOS stock Mallory capacitors and select Ohmite Brown Devil resistors plus WE wire all suggested by Yazaki-san and replacing all the stock tubes, Oyaide wall outlets and plate I believe I am done, save for experimenting with the Synergistic Red or Black fuse. Then
the only other temptation is to up the ante and acquire new speakers? But that will require a much larger amount of cash to top what the Tekton's do. I find a lot of satisfaction in putting together killer second system that compares or beats much of the high price stuff. This particular set-up I have does that. Best, Rob
It is a wonderful happening when you get to your state of satisfaction with an audio system. I'm there with my second/office system. After changing out the stock capacitors for Arizona Green/NOS stock Mallory capacitors and select Ohmite Brown Devil resistors plus WE wire all suggested by Yazaki-san and replacing all the stock tubes, Oyaide wall outlets and plate I believe I am done, save for experimenting with the Synergistic Red or Black fuse. Then
the only other temptation is to up the ante and acquire new speakers? But that will require a much larger amount of cash to top what the Tekton's do. I find a lot of satisfaction in putting together killer second system that compares or beats much of the high price stuff. This particular set-up I have does that. Best, Rob