I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately

These comments come from here and a couple of other sites.

1.The only people that buy Mcintosh gear are one's that just don't listen.
2. Mcintosh is what rich people buy just like Mercedes Benz.
3. Mcintosh relies on generational buyers as a business plan.
4. Mcintosh is known for rebranding products and putting there name on it.
5. Mcintosh has great looks but uses cheap off the bin parts.

I can't think of another high-end company that have so many stereotypes about the brand. On the other hand I can't think of another audio company that has been in business as long.

One of the best systems I ever heard anywhere anytime was an all McIntosh system, the system in question was up on Red Mountain in Aspen and was used for practice sessions sometimes by the Dave Brubeck Quartet.  That was back in the days when McIntosh was all tubes and when they produced huge speakers.  There was also some otherworldly monster midrange horn in the middle of the room, dunno what that was. There were eight - count em - Ducati racing motorcycles in the garage.  
It's all in the recipe, right Nab2? Slow and tubby, LOL. I'll tell you what this hobby really needs, new cliches.
I went to a local dealer in 2004 to give a listen to some new equipment. In his main listening room he had a set of Mac tube mono blocks driving a pair of B&W 800 diamonds I believe, can't recall the Mac models...they were huge though. After about 5 minutes of sitting in the sweet spot,I got up and left the room.

I don't know what the problem was with that setup,but for that kind of cost I was expecting to be bowled over,instead my ears were bleeding and my head was shaking in disbelief.  Go figure...