Tellurium Q Black Diamond cables

I'm getting the upgrade bug again. Would appreciate any impressions you have regarding these cables. I'm currently using Nordost Frey 2 and looking for a bit more warmth.  

Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
Well, it has been 10 hours into the cable evaluation.   Here is a brief summary:
My rig has the following components:

Luxman 590Ax integrated
Luxman D-06U SACD
B&W 803 D3

It should be noted that my speakers are relatively new (less than 100 hours).

Current cables:

Power: Nordost Heimdall
Interconnects: Nordost Frey 2
Speakers: Nordost Frey 2

I had Tellurium Q Black Diamond Speaker cables and Interconnects along with the Black power cables. 

I was initially interested in the speaker cables since they made such an impression at the selling retailer (using Pass Lab with Penn Audio speakers).  The difference as compared to the Nordost was quite remarkable.  Expecting the same jump in performance on my system at home, I first replaced the speaker cables.  The was a slight difference in sound quality but not the huge leap experienced at the retailer.  In fact, the speaker cables seemed to "not play well" with the B&Ws - especially in the higher frequencies. 

The next step was to change out the power cables.   HOLY CRAP Batman!  Instantly, there was  more resounding bass that I could not only hear but feel.  It was as  if my system was on steroids.  Very impressed with the power cables!

I then changed the interconnects.  Not as dramatic a change as the power cords but certainly noticeable with better resolution, fullness of sound an note decay.  I was also able to hear subtle sounds in my reference tracks that I had never heard before. It was certainly a luscious icing on the cake!

So with my system being on the full Telluirum side, I decided to some A/B testing between the Nordost Frey 2 and the Tellurium Q speaker cables.  To be honest, there was not a huge difference between the two.  I will not be purchasing the speaker cables quite yet as perhaps I need my speakers to break in a bit more before I make a  final decision.  I will definitely try the speaker cables again in a few months as I suspect that they will ultimately out-perform the Nordost. 

As for the power cables and interconnects, well - that is an absolute "no-brainer".  I will be purchasing those today.

It was a great learning experience for me and re-affirms the need to test everything at home with your own components as there are way to many variables.  I started the process convinced that I needed new speaker cables - I was pleasantly surprised that power and interconnects made a much more dramatic improvement!

Just an FYI, the folks at Fidelis in Nashua, NH (US importer for Tellurium Q) are top notch.  I would encourage anyone interested in this brand to visit or call them.
Thanks! for sharing your impressions- greginnh.
After you purchase the cables/cords, and get about 500 hours on them,
re-post your listening notes/thoughts for me.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I kept the Tellurium Q interconnects and the power cords.  I was not enamored with the speaker cables.  I am auditioning Transparent Reference speaker cables right now and next week, the new top of the line Audience cables. 
I have been using Black Diamond for about a year and have not had the urge to change. Prior to using them I was going through 2-3 different cables annually. They are detailed, neutral, musical.  Could they be better? Maybe. But with all my equipment (tube and ss) I keep going back to them. I find them hard to beat for the price. They are especially good with tubes.  Silver and tube my be the only better combination. I will keep them in my system. Listen to music. And, keep my money in my pocket. They may not have the most reviews in the US, but they are a really good wire and do nothing wrong. But let's be realistic.  Review are a good start to something but not something to bet your purchase upon. BTW, I also play several instruments and know what music sounds like.  Give them an honest chance. If you do not like them, I would look elsewhere in your system.
Greginnh, if the cables you borrowed are new, they need 3-400 hours to fully burn in. Power cords work well with as little as 20 hours. Good luck and keep