Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I'm also thinking of raising my Thiels a few inches higher than their bases situate them currently.  I read much about Maggie 1.7's here and used similar information to good effect when I had those.  (I love Magnepan,  too.)

MHO:  Thiels are Maggies with more bass...

I don't know if that will improve anything sonically,  but it will certainly help in connecting different cables to them.  I doubt it will suffer anything,  either.
My local store just became a Transparent dealer which saves me a 50 mile trip - maybe even money!   I do suggest using spades on the speaker connections since their location and that little tunnel to run them through can be a nuisance with banana connectors.
use the Vandersteen manual to pick locations. very similar design philosophy w Jim. ignore the tilt, taken care of for you w sloped baffle, but the slope creates the limit of the 9-12' ish sweet spot. just design trade...

The bottom placement of the speaker terminals might be nuisance when auditioning cables, but once one's decided upon their favorite cables, I find their unobtrusive appearance and the hidden from children, pets, etc. a bonus. I would think again about raising the speakers.

BTW, why travel to get cables when cables can come to you;

Right On! guys-

no need to tilt these speakers nor raise them above their respective outriggers. It is all in the design by JT.  Keep the info flowing.
Happy Listening!
Having a local Transparent Cable dealer/retailer is sweet!
These are very fine cables and cords that get better the further one goes up their chain of products. A very generous upgrade program as well.

Keep me posted & give a shout-out to your local Audio shops!
Happy Listening!