After several reloads of my entire library I decided to to upgrade to a NAS drive thar supports dual drives in a mirrored RAID configuration.
This approach guarantees that both drives carry a copy of my library and in the event of a drive failure, I simply replace the faulty drive and the NAS drive takes care of copying data to the new drive automatically. No backups are required.
When I first built the NAS DRIVE i used a couple of spare drives from old computers. they worked very well, but I later found out that RAID really requires server quality drives.
You guessed it - one of the drives failed.
I simply popped in a new server quality drive and the system took care of everything else. I then replaced the other old drive with a second server quality drive.
The system has been running flawlessly.
I've downloaded tracks up to sample rates of 24/192 and never encountered any problem with this configuration.
I stream via my iMac that is connected to my DAC via USB. Both the iMac and NAS drive run over an ethernet wired connection (not wireless) to maximize transfer rates.
I use iTunes for library management and Audirvana to trnafer data to the DAC
Hope that helps :