Tidal skips to next track, or restarts when paused iPhone

Hi, I did a search and didn't find anything.  
My issue is as described above. Tidal songs skip to the next song in the midst of playback, at least 1/2 the time if not more. Also, if I pause the app it will restart on it's own, but at the next song.
Streaming iPhone 5S, IOS 9.2.1, connected to Rotel 1570 via USB cord. Speedtest shows 22.56 Mbps download bandwidth.

I sent a support request to Tidal but have not heard back yet. 

This has been going on since I first downloaded the app yesterday. Thanks for any suggestions - I'll post whatever Tidal says for future reference.
Thanks - jl35,
How can I verify that is the problem?  What did you do to fix it - move your router?

when it acts up I unplug it for a few minutes...when I first started Tidal it happened more often, now almost never
I have the same 22 - 23 speed, but sometimes it just stops, lousy service