Dear lohanimal: In the past that kind of tonearms was the " fashion " nothing more than that. Please don't worry of what people said in those very old times.
Yor cartridge is around 30 cu ( tyhe same as the Stanton similar model. ) and remember that comes with that damped brush.
What tyou have to look for is a well damped tonearm and that's all. If you want a vintage one you can't find nothing better than the Technics EPA 100 or the Lustre GST-801 where in both cases your cartridge will shines!
Regards and enjoy the music,
Yor cartridge is around 30 cu ( tyhe same as the Stanton similar model. ) and remember that comes with that damped brush.
What tyou have to look for is a well damped tonearm and that's all. If you want a vintage one you can't find nothing better than the Technics EPA 100 or the Lustre GST-801 where in both cases your cartridge will shines!
Regards and enjoy the music,