preamp for mark levinson 23.5

what is the best preamp for levinson 23.5 amp.
now i have mark levinson 26 preamp.
The ML25s is a superb preamp especially if you can get the line stage and then get the 25s phons stage. I would not go for the ML7 but see if you can find a ML6a or b as they are a significant improvement on the 7. They are obviously more expensive but.....

A@com, If you own the 26 Levinson preamp, your all set, thats one of the best preamps ever. It matches perfectly with the 23.5 Amp. How do you like the 23.5 Amp

Yes. I purchased the 26 pre-amp with  its separate power supply and the 23 amplifier together in 1988.  The 23 is used in a secondary system with Magnepan 3.7i's.

In addition, I recently purchased a 23.5 on A-gon. It is used in my primary system with Magnepan 20.7's.  No pre-amp is needed in either system at the present time, so I'm debating whether to keep the 26. Thirty years of memories associated with it and the 23.   By the way, it has not yet been necessary to perform maintenance on either the 23 or 26. 

Peter Bateman