Tellurium Q Black Diamond cables

I'm getting the upgrade bug again. Would appreciate any impressions you have regarding these cables. I'm currently using Nordost Frey 2 and looking for a bit more warmth.  

Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
Greginnh, if the cables you borrowed are new, they need 3-400 hours to fully burn in. Power cords work well with as little as 20 hours. Good luck and keep

Cellorover - thanks for the input. All demo cables and power cords had well in excess of 500 hours each.  As mentioned in my post, I was expecting the speaker cables to be the most dramatic by way of improvement.  Unfortunately, they were not.  I have been auditioning a new pair of Transparent Reference speaker cables and even with only 20 hours on them, I prefer them to the TQ Black Diamond cables.

I am also getting a set of the new Audience speaker cables next week to try for 30 days. 

I may circle back and try the TQ speaker cables again.  I am totally sold on the interconnects and power cords though!