Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?

I have looked at several components in Audio Research's line and they are discontinuing the LS17-se, PH8, and PH6.  They discontinued the DAC 8.  I know there is a new Ref 6 to replace the Ref 5se and their is a new Ref Phono 3 to replace the Ref Phone 2se coming out.  I talked to my dealer and he stated that Audio Research seems to be making their components look more McIntosh like in the Galeo series. 

The dealer stated their isn't going to be anything that he has heard that will replace the other lines at this point and that AR will be starting at the LS-27, which is $7500 for preamps.  The Ref 75se is the beginning of the line for Amps, which I know, but man are they going the Mac route with prices, nothing to replace the DAC 8 and the other DAC in the line is $11,000, what's up with this, have you guys heard anything more. 

The starting point for AR equipment is getting pretty high and the only way a newer person without means will be able to afford it will be to buy use, which could send the used prices up if there isn't anything else in the line.  What do you guys think and what have you heard?

That's a 40 percent price raise in 8 years. Even Ferrari doesn't raise their prices that high. I could see a 20 percent Increase in 8 years. 40 percent is ridiculous.

taters"Jhconner, That's a 40 percent price raise in 8 years."

Taters, we get that you really don't like ARC - but that doesn't excuse your fuzzy math. The Ref 3 was introduced in 2004 at $10K. A Ref 6 in 2016 is 14K. Calculating simple interest, that's about a 3.3 percent a year price increase. When you consider that the Ref 6 offers a reported improvement over the Ref 3, that's actually a very modest price hike. Of course, you don't care for ARC, so probably whatever they charge is too much for you.

First off, I don't dislike ARC. I actually own it myself. I grew up with ARC when a man with a decent job could afford to buy it. Nowadays they have forgotten about the people that made them successful in the first place. Today they are only Interested in catering to the people with deep pockets. The only way an average person can buy it nowadays is to purchase it used. I am not saying used is a bad thing. It was just nice to be able to purchase it new at one time.

taters"First off, I don't dislike ARC. I actually own it myself. I grew up with ARC when a man with a decent job could afford to buy it. Nowadays they have forgotten about the people that made them successful in the first place."

Taters, I already did the math for you to show that ARC's prices haven't increased substantially when inflation is taken into account. ARC gear was never inexpensive.

You say you own some ARC gear ... so tell us: What do you have? Did you buy it new? If you tell me what you have, I'll be happy to do the math for you. Again. Because there's just no evidence that ARC has "forgotten about the people that made them successful." And I say that as an owner of both new and older ARC gear.