I was thinking the other day about all the audio stores that were around when I was a kid

I know we all grew up in different places so the experience shared here all will not relate to. Though I am sure there will be stories that some can relate to. I grew up,in Detroit Michigan and starting going to Audio stores at the ripe old age of 14 years old. Of course I didn't drive at the time so my father would take me. He loved music but wasn't really into audio equipment. Here are some of the stores I used to go to.

1. Tech hi-fi in Royal Oak
2. Audioland In Roseville
3. Audio Dimensions in birmingham
4. Absolute Sound in Royal Oak
5.Stereoland in Detroit

Of course there were other stores but my father would only take me so far. Everything was so new to me and fresh at the time it was really exciting. I still go to audiophile shows today and some audiophile meetings. And though I still enjoy it I had the most excitement when I was a kid.


Elliot Midwood owner of acoustic image still works out of his house in studio city.
It's a real shame. You never hear about him anymore. In years past he used to hold a meeting for the LosAngeles-Orange county audiophile society. He has a very low profile. I wonder how he stays in business. I always liked his store in Studio City the short time it was open.
HiFi Buys had Lansing, E Lansing and other ones too...gone a long time...Karl was the owner I believe...
Yes, taters- how many operations, in your area, are working out of their

I don't know the exact number but I would say quite a few. I know one of the dealers carries very esoteric gear that you would think the manufactures would not allow to be sold out of a house. One guy I know in the San Diego that carries very good equipment has been trying to get the ARC line for the last few years. ARC will only sell to people that have a storefront. Other manufactures don't care.