Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
George read my post above yours and give me your thoughts on the Rothwell. Hard to part with my preamp as it was a three month DIY project. They sound fantastic together. I do want to reduce the hiss and think you are absolutely right about too much gain.

I can also  reduce the gain in my preamp by changing out the plate resistor value I suppose.
Yes George, that's precisely what I meant about the "not liking each other"comment. Too much gain.

Yes grannyring your output impedance of your pre at up to 1kohm, (which by the way is not far off a 10kohm passive for drivability) should be fine for any poweramp with say 33kohm or higher input impedance.

But you probably have gain in it also, it would be nice if you could configure it to have unity gain, if it stays stable, some opamps can be used as output buffers and are unity gain stable as well as being very low output impedance like 10-20ohms. eg OPA627.

Cheers George  


Did you fancy the EAR 890?

Hi Glory,

Yes, I did. It's a great tube amp. When I bought mine there was a pinched wire that would cut out one channel. Once I got that straightened out, sound was warm (but not too warm) and wonderful, sweet and airy. A friend had to have it so I sold it to him. With the right speaker load (not to tough), it was a wonderful performer. I even had the 868 (?) preamp and that was a nice piece too.