Nordost Red Dawn "Flatline" interconnect Want to replace with a more musical sounding IC.

I have a Nordost Red Dawn "Flatline"  IC which I bought used on AG about 5 years ago.  It has seen several system come and go, from separates to my current Rogue's Sphinx hybrid integrated amp, but just two speaker systems. Overall, I like the cable but have concluded that it is bright factor in the interface between the Rogue integrated, and the upgraded Ayre CX7e mp  CD player.  BTW,. Prior to the Ayre CD player, I had a Rega Apollo CD player and used a Chord Chameleon IC ..... Worked very well 

I don't want to start going back and forth with The Cable Company home trial service.  Therefore, would appreciate and consider recommendations from members who have used Nordost RD Flatline IC in the past with less than positive results. The speakers are Golden Ear Tech Triton 7's and speaker cable is Harmonic technology PRO 11+ which is excellent.  Thank you.  


check w/ your local Nordost dealer/retailer to get an in-home audition.
keep me posted & happy listening!

Thank you for the information . Can you clarify what the "try2" is??  Is this current in Nordost line of IC's??   Are they available used on AG?? 

BTW, I have seen many an ad on AG for the Heimdall cables?? I assume they are expensive.    I will check out the local dealer route; unfortunately in Los Angeles County, the closest Nordost dealer could be 20-40 miles away. 

I meant tyr2. Yes they are top of the line in the Norse series and current.
If you enjoy your Harmonic Technology speaker cables, why not consider some HT interconnects?  Personally, I use Audio Sensibility Statement SE interconnects(OCC copper) and like them very much.  Something from Acoustic Zen would also be a consideration.  You don't mention your budget, but moving up in the Nordost line can be expensive and may not accomplish what you seek.

 To mtbrider.  I bought the HT speaker cables Pro11+ because they were made by the original designer. who sold the company about two years ago. I have read, and was told by a few members the new stuff is now made in Malaysia is not as good. So, I will pass on any of the new HT products 

You are right, the Tyr series 2 IC are a lot of money. There is a used pair on AG selling for $1400, that is almost as expensive as the GET speakers model 7.  I will check out your suggestion Audio Sensibility IC. BTW, what do you like about the AS IC?? 

My Budget: is about $200-$250 used on AG  which means $450-500 retail.  Thank you for the reply.