Universal headshell recommendations.....

I have been trying, with no luck, to purchase an Orsonics headshell. As an alternative, please suggest a good sounding after market headshell, Audio Technica, Micro Seiki, Sumiko. I have also seen that Ortofon has a new wood headshell available, which is a bit spendy, but looks promising. Any and all guidance is greatly appreciated.

Marty Kohn
Portland, OR
If you like additional distortions then buy that Orsonic from chakster.

Paying for headshell distortions comes for free, uhaha

If you want to follow Raul don't forget about 350 different sets of led wires to try :) 

Dear chakster: "  If you want to follow Raul don't forget about 350 different sets of led wires to try ... "

those led wires can do the difference inquality performance level in the overall frequency range. 
No, you don't need " 350 " sets but at least 3-4 different sets.

chakster, years ago  the Orsonic headshell motivated a dfriendly discussion trhough a thread and I remember that in those " old " times I already had first hand experiences to knew that that headshell is really a bad item to hold any cartridge.
Well, one Agoner send to me an email asking that for a wild I stopped to talk how worst the headshell was because he owned a pair  and wants to put on sale ( in Agon. ) because he falled down to the same conclusion: bad headshells. As I said, that was years ago and to me nothing changed about.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I'm not a seller, so that's fine, no problem, your comments always welcome Raul.

I think Orsonic quite popular among audiophiles anyway. Different strokes for different folks.

I just tried to help to Viridian (he said he couldn't find one).  

P.S. No more headache, no more headshells or led wires for me.

I'm happy to use Reed 3P tonearm with stock cryo wires from cartridge pins to phono stage. I can't change "the headshell" and it a great option, lol