Dick's / Dave's picks

Anyone else into this series of Grateful Dead recordings?
If so, please list your fave (s) or collection.
I think there's a reason that sets such as Reckoning and Dead Set are on the "big, important" label and some of the soundboard stuff is available with less fanfare.  But there are some great moments on the soundboard tapes.  I was cruising through Houston with the radio on the left end of the dial a few months back and heard a mind-blowing version of New Potato Caboose.  I think the date was 8/24/68 (I could be off on the year).  I had forgotten the sort of magic they could muster at times.  Does anyone know where this track is available?
There are (2) big boxed sets- The Golden Road + Beyond Description
where all original studio releases were remastered and bonus trax added.
Those bonus trax offer a wealth of live versions.
TostadosUnidos, try archive.org to get started. I think it's Stream only now but you might be able get zero’d in on the particular show and then source it from there. Hope that helps.

It took me about 3 years to get them all, but I just purchased the last two Europe 72 shows. That was the Grateful Dead at their finest hour. 1977 was also another notable year as I think Keith Godchaux added a nice soft touch on the piano and kept the music simple and true to the roots.......I have all of the Dicks Picks and some are better than others and No#25 stands out for me.......so far I have all of Dave's Pick's and actually waiting for No#17 to be delivered today. I have not found them as good as the shows picked for Dicks Picks....in my opinion,    

The Dead also had some highlights in the eighties with Bret Mydland who was very good ......but they seemed to have moved away from the country / blue roots that I personally enjoyed. The band got even moved heavily involved with different drugs of choice from cocaine to heroin which unfortunately made Jerry just an average guitar player.......he got sloppy and lazy at live shows which I was there for a bunch and can attest to.    

There are a couple of box sets for the 90-91 tour and one is sold out and they are good at best. You can totally dismiss the Vince Welnick era of  Dead. That was a very dad time and was the ultimately the end of that band.