Am I too cynical?

I recently purchased a new set of speakers.  I spent a considerable amount of time reading the high end magazines and listening to various options.  I could not help but to be struck by how the positive magazine reviews were almost always accompanied by an advertisement (usually a full page or more) by the manufacturer of the product that received the rave review by the magazine.  No to pick on one, but Golden Ear must spend a great deal of money on advertising and it seems to pay off as their Triton speakers get universally great reviews.  

Given that great press I auditioned a pair (don't recall which model) and found them to be good, but not exceptional.  I also listened to some other well reviewed/advertised models by Dynaudio, Spendor, etc.  in the end I purchased a pair of Linn Majik 140s.  I have never seen a review for these speakers, nor have I ever seen them advertised.  

I don't want to sound naive about how the business of running a magazine works, but I would expect a little more objectivity on their part.  Or am I just too cynical?

Welcome! jcs01

yes those companies pay a small fortune for ads in the Audio rags.

It is a very rare event to read a negative review.

I was very lucky to have purchased a new in the box pair a few years ago for 1500.00 I sold them for around 1750.00 or so a year later. They are a very nice sounding speaker with SS or Tubes. You may need a sub with certain types of music, but either way I think you'll be very happy with them. I replaced them with Lipinski L 707's then replaced the Lipinski's with a mint set of Wilson Witt Series II. Happy listening.
I agree with Celtic66 about it being a "JUNGLE"

You can’t trust many of the reviews!!!
- they are all paid for.

You can’t trust the retailers!!!
- they change product lines and allegiances like changing socks!

You can’t trust manufacturers !!!
- they have been known to release the same product year after year
- some with just a different faceplate or in a different chassis/case

About the only trustworthy info is from posters on forums !

My BIG purchases (i.e. speakers and amp) have been products that leapt out and screamed "BUY ME" during an in-store audition - followed by an in-home audition.

I generally only trust my ears these days!

The one product where I "relaxed" that rule - Schiit Bifrost - but I researched the heck out of their other products and requested feedback here first - thank guys :-)

OTOH there aren't really any other places for those companies to advertise. I often thought it was more that the mags wouldn't run the negative reviews...and for the OP, Linn has advertised in those mags for years, they just make way too many models to review everything...

I know we have said this many times before but, it really does pay to audition equipment in your own home first.  Many people can't do that, so the next best thing are friends or auditioning in stores.  Some still can't go that either. 

Buying with a return policy is another good idea.  Especially for expensive equipment.

I would say that speakers are probably the most difficult.  They will sound completely different in your home using your amplification. 

Short story.  I was in Colorado auditioning a music server from the manufacturer. In our discussions, he showed me a competitor's music server. It was in a very heavy case with very large and heavy heat sinks on both sides. It looked like a class A amp. 

We opened it up and guess what?  Absolutely nothing at all was connected to the heat sinks.  They were there for show only.  This was a $7,000 music server.  It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

Sorry, got side tracked.

I sometimes buy and read audio magazines just to see where the "industry" is at the moment.  The reviewer's comments sometimes make me laugh.  Most are in the industry's pocket. 

I have no problem with them reviewing stupidly expensive equipment, as long as they also review more reasonably priced equipment also. 

I still believe that in most cases, you do get what you pay for.  There is a low end, mid level and high end for just about everything. There are cheap car parts and much better quality car parts. Same for watches, clothes and audio equipment.

But, don't take the word of a reviewer solely.  Ask around.  Sites like this are a good start.  Demo as much as you can and definitely ask if you can take a piece home to demo for a week or so.


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