Glad we still have 'brick and mortar', and good owners for gear

I have been reading about servers, streamers, and wanted to audition an Aurender N-10 to replace a failing Windows 10 laptop running JRiver. I am overall pleased with my computer based playback from 3 WD portable  hard drives, but never fully felt comfortable knowing how to use JRiver.
Maier of Audio Salon in Santa Monica is our local dealer for Aurender. Upon arrival, I was impressed by the care and thought he put into his main listening room. And the quality of his gear blew me away- we started listening to the new small 3 way Wilson's played by a pair of d'Agestino mono blocks, with the Constellation Virgo II preamp, with Transparent cabling. The Aurender was running into the DAC component of the new dCS Rossini player. I was initially not impressed with the overall quality of music streamed via Tidal, or played from the internal hard drive.
That was because we started by playing redbook CD's that I brought, that I use for auditions. I have never heard such wonderful digital playback of CD as when played thru the dCS Rossini. It was an amazing experience; all the usual audiophile 'buzz' words come to mind. Also, I have not usually liked the Wilson sound before, but these little 3 ways had amazing low end, detailed bass, and crystal clear highs, not at all etched, or digital, and amazing sound stage.
I'm glad I had an open mind...usually I am impulsive and wanted to like the streamer, but left falling in love with the Rossini.Did not know how good CD playback could sound until I heard it done right. I could not have had this positive experience with out the services of a seasoned owner who took the time and care to set up his listening room to allow the quality of the individual pieces to shine through, and answer all my questions.
Regarding the debate about hi res computer files vs redbook CD, at least in this audition, the winner was clearly to my ears, CD.
However, the one final question I had regarding how could I possibly find the funds to acquire the Rossini (List of $28k without remote) went unanswered.
However, the one final question I had regarding how could I possibly find the funds to acquire the Rossini (List of $28k without remote) went unanswered.

Any local 'brick and mortar' banks and gun shops near this audio establishment?  ;^)
Thank You! mribob-
for the shout-out for your local dealer/retailer.  It appears that you were listening to the new Sabrina, Wilson speaker. Sounds like you had an excellent time, you are lucky as that is some of the finest gear at this juncture!